Mother Theresa
We are convinced that knowledge, learning and cooperation are the key components for every human dignity defender to create and sustain resilient organizational structures to promote and defend human rights and dignity over time:
Knowledge is power. At the Phoenix Initiative, we offer a virtual encyclopedia of knowledge where the most important resources for organizational management, adapted to the specific needs and challenges of the human rights movement, are all in one place, paired with peer-to-peer exchange to facilitate mutual learning and practical support, mentoring and access to psycho-social support.
Our definition of learning is one of expert online learning, peer learning and dedicated coaching sessions. We very much value the sharing of individual experiences and individual support to enhance the operational resilience of all those engaged in the promotion and protection of human rights. We strongly believe that successful learning is a combination of the accumulation of knowledge with practical experience. At Phoenix Initiative, we will therefore develop e-learning modules, offer access to peer experiences from around the world to enhance mutual and practical learning. We will invite practitioners to share their lessons learned, both from success and failure, make space for group discussions and engage in individual advice and support to all those who would like to take their learning to a professional level.
In today’s competitive and highly individualized world, human rights defenders, organizations and movements need to find ways to cooperate and stand together in solidarity to build the necessary operational resilience to continue to do their work. Too many still work in silo for a variety of reasons. At the Phoenix Initiative, we will facilitate networking amongst like-minded organizations depending the topic they work on, generate first contact with human rights funders and other service providers of support, promote the concept of joining forces to build resilience and to strengthen the impact of their voices
At the Phoenix Initiative, we do not want to re-invent the wheel. Others have done amazing work to support the human dignity movement and gathered knowledge and experience highly beneficial for their peers. Instead, we partner with those who are active in building operational resilience for all those engaged in defending fundamental human rights, and we create our own tools and resources when none exist. It is our credo to make high-quality resources available to as many human dignity defenders as possible. Wherever we can, we do so for free. When we are unable to do so, we do our utmost to ensure that paid services are fairly priced and that pricing models take into account geographical inequalities.
To benefit from the vast knowledge of human dignity defenders, experts, and consultants from around the world, you need to join the tribe. Membership is FREE and allows you to explore all our tools to build organizational resilience, from the virtual encyclopedia of knowledge over peer experiences to our own podcasts.
Many of our partners and allies on this platform who have developed high-quality resources and offer organizational resilience services have agreed to offer their paid services to members of the Phoenix Initiative for Human Dignity at a reduced price. We highlight this cooperation on the platform. When signing up for the free membership, you will receive a code that you can use with all those who collaborate with us under this scheme.
Find out more about the three main ingredients you need to successfully promote and defend human dignity:
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