Your capability is all about your own ability to accomplish your vision and fulfill your mission, and to the right people and the right network you work with. It is about the design of you strategic plan and activities, your timing, the results you achieve as well as the quality of your allies, your staff and those who support you in doing what is needed.
Human resource management is a complex topic, in particular for grassroots human dignity organizations who often do not dispose of a human resource professional, but combine this role with many others under the responsibilities of the Executive Director or leader. It is all about hiring and working with the right people, and giving them the freedom and opportunities to thrive in their work.
Effectively defending and promoting human dignity requires visionary leaders who are ready to be challenged and to adapt their ideas to the fast-changing contexts they work in. They usually operate in a resource-constrained environment, and are highly motivated by their purpose, and embrace optimism as one of their key characteristics. They have to be able to navigate uncertainties with resilience and flexibility, ensuring the their organization and team stays aligned with its mission, and are not shy to take tough decisions. In addition to advancing the cause their work on, their time is usually divided between team management, fundraising, board and executive coordination.
The effectiveness of defending human dignity largely depends on working with an appropriate number of staff or volunteers who are talented, adequately trained, and properly supported and compensated (in any given form). Don't forget that the whole is always greater than the sum of its parts, meaning that your organizational achievement is always better than you would expect from the individual parts, because the way they combine adds a different quality. When you take good care of your tribe, you are much more likely to generate long-lasting impact.
No leader and member of a tribe is at awe of experiencing personal, emotional or mental challenges related to the nature of their work. The promotion and defense of human dignity exposes individuals to witness or be in close contact with witnesses and victims of gross human right violations. To uphold the effectiveness of a tribe, it is vital to support its members and continuously build and invest in mental resilience building.
You know what your organization does. And, you know how your organization hopes to change the world. But how exactly does each of your activities lead to change?
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